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Nov 5, 2024
Digital Campaigning Training
Online Event

On Tuesday 5 November, we are running an online Digital Campaigning Training. This training will cover the fundamentals of strong digital campaigning, including:

What is digital campaigning, what is it useful for, and how does it fit with in-person campaigning?
Digital campaigning tools, including a comparison of social media platforms
How to create impactful social media content 
Messaging and narrative strategy 
How to plan a digital campaign

This training will be facilitated by Sam, a writer and communicator. She is a white settler based in Naarm on unceded Boon Wurrung land. She believes in the power of the stories we all hold, and works with grassroots groups and organisations to tell their stories, communicate well, and create change.

Thanks to Sam's generosity, this training is free and available to all grassroots volunteers working for freedom and liberation for all. In lieu of payment, attendees are encouraged to donate $5-$20 to mutual aid fundraisers (eg. if they have the financial means to.


This training will be via zoom. Zoom captioning will be available. A plain text document of the slides will be distributed at the start of the training.

Participants are encouraged to actively participate and have their video on, but are welcome to leave or take breaks anytime, and have their video off if necessary.

If you have questions about accessibility, or if your needs have not been met, please message us via our instagram (@freepalestineadl) to let us know how we can support your attendance at this training.
